Screen Pops

Basic screen pop functionality can be set up based on an ANI search in the CRM.

For Salesforce users, do not use this configuration.  Use the screen pop settings inside Salesforce.

For ServiceNow users, an ANI search will automatically happen against the sys_user and customer_contact tables.

For all other CRMs, a Javascript event is sent to the CRM:
{"type":"CONTACT_SEARCH","data":{"phone_number":"5551234444","payloadId": "0.324234"}}
This must be handled by the developer of the CRM and results must be passed back as a Javascript event to SiX:
{"type":"CONTACT_SEARCH_RESULT","data":{"contacts":[{"entity":"<table name>","sys_id":"<unique id>","name":"<contact name>"}]}}

Screen Pop Action

Replace - This is the default setting.  The screen pop will replace the current screen in the CRM.

New - The screen pop will appear in a new tab in the browser.

Single Match URL

This URL will pop if there is only 1 match to the ANI search in the CRM.

##ID## can be used in the URL to represent the returning unique ID from the CRM


Multiple Match URL

This URL will pop if there are multiple match to the ANI search in the CRM.

##ANI## - the full ANI in CXone with not spaces or formatting
##ANILEFT3## - first 3 digits of ANI
##ANINEXT3## - digits 4-6 of ANI
##ANILAST4## - last 3 digits of ANI


*NOTE: Agent Workspace does not support popping list screens

No Match URL

This URL will pop if there are no matches to the ANI search in the CRM.

##ANI## - the full ANI in CXone with not spaces or formatting
##ANILEFT3## - first 3 digits of ANI
##ANINEXT3## - digits 4-6 of ANI
##ANILAST4## - last 3 digits of ANI
